As you are packing up and closing out for your long weekend away from the office, take a moment to read up on the news and posts we have shared throughout the week. Dive in to our latest #WeekliiiRoundUp below!
Did you see our announcement this week? Join us on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at the Pipeline Technology Forum hosted by GITA for our walk on managing pipeline regulatory requirements with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. Learn more in our News now.
As the wealth and complexity of data grows, it's essential that companies adjust to match and support its needs. After all, Big Data is an investment. Let's explore considerations for scaling your environment for this valuable resource in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.
Are you looking for better ways to manage Big Data in general? Find out more about Knowledge Management for large stores of data, like those used for environmental resources here.
If processing data were as simple as converting everything into easy-to-digest JSON files, Big Data would be a lot simpler. The basic truth, though, is that data needs to be cleaned and converted into different formats to accommodate different clients.
It is important to continually build skills, develop new ones, and stay informed on industry hot topics. Let's explore more in this month's newsletter - now online!
In hopes of expanding oil production, many producers have set their sights on Nevada. But with the number of current wells and the complicated geology, could it be worth it? Discover more in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.