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Weekliii Round-Up: News on Location Data as a Commodity, Admin Security Settings, and More

It is hard to believe the year has sped by so quickly, leaving us welcoming in December already. We are sure the next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind of finishing up projects, jingle bells, and afternoon sugar-rushes courtesy of the office candy cane stash. For now though, let's kick off the month and bring this week to a close with a round-up of posts we have shared throughout this week. Enjoy!

Article on the key reasons Natural Gas is an important energy source for Canada and the world.

Canada possess and produces significant amounts of Natural Gas, an important part of the energy mix of the future. This article from our #DailyBrainCandiii round-up highlights the six key reasons why Natural Bas is an important energy source for both Canada and the world, siting sustainability and more.

Continuing on our quest for Knowledge Management glory in the Environmental sector, we tackled the topic of where to store spatial data details once they are discovered.

To ensure this information is put to good use, it is advised to store them in a central location - in particular, a well-organized and structured location, like a database.

Learn more in our post on the matter.

When an asset is available on the market in surplus, there seems to be a trend in how it may be handled from the get-go. This often includes: First, figuring out what can be done with this asset, and second, deciding who has control over it. Rinse and repeat. Big Data has seen this has the concept has been embraced by the technological community with organizations still discerning its benefits and uses. In the eyes on some, this concept once applied to oil as well. This article discusses this notion, questioning whether these principles align and what challenges in exploiting location and spatial data might be. It also talks about the need to provide a means to search spatial data - a topic of which we know a bit about.

Article showing different options for asset placement routes in the Oil and Gas industry as determined by the Integrated Geomancy toolkit for ArcGIS.

We all appreciate having options before of us when tackling a difficult decision. This is especially true in the Oil and Gas industry when it may often take months upon months to produce a single option. If you could have more in less time, wouldn't you? We hope that answer is a resounding, "Yes!". Running scenarios - or what-if situations - to discover various routes and opportunities when distinguishing optimal locations for Well Pad Sites and Pipelines allows your team to customize each stage of your planning process, piecing together what does work and reevaluating what does not. This project, playfully termed the Optimization Exploration, takes you through a series of scenarios based on alternate factors for a single system. Let the adventure begin!

We have all heard the tales of efforts gone awry when a person makes an error in a workflow, sparking chaos. Hours are derailed by a slip-up in a setting or accidentally initiating an alteration. Not only is there lost time, but it also potentially leads to a breach in security. This is an extreme example, of course...but you understood the potential headache and repercussions just from that, right? When reviewing and organizing your spatial data with the help of Integrated Marco Studio, we want you to be as safe for your system, coworkers, and data as possible. One way we approach this is through Administrative access to potentially sensitive information, like data inventory process. Learn more in this post about such features of Integrated Marco Palette and Integrated Marco Mystic.


#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.


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