Wind down your week with our latest reads on the importance of geomatics education, potential development in Brazil, and our latest newsletter. Read on below.
End the month with the best yet. Discover how simplifying tasks and workflows with custom solutions and methodologies can help your team thrive - courtesy of our latest newsletter. View our May 2019 Newsletter now. Not on our list? Sign up to receive next month's news straight to your inbox.
Within our respective industries, terms like geomatics and geodetics can be well-known. Outside of this bubble? We need ways to educate the public on these fields, encouraging students to pursue them in their prospective careers for the long-term. Discover more in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post on suggestions for bringing higher education into the fold.
Today’s students are unequivocally aware of the competitive labor market, and they want skills that employers are demanding. Addressing this is key to successful recruitment and to providing employers with a workforce that meets their needs and tackles the challenges society faces. That in turn requires the development of geomatics skills at all levels of education and the provision of life-long learning opportunities.
Deep-water deposits off the shore of Brazil could flood the market with record amounts of oil - and yet? It remains untapped. Why? Discover the reason this area has yet to be developed in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.
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#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.