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Weekliii Round-Up: News on Essential Tips for Esri Story Maps and Tableau Software

We are leaning into this Friday, offering up a round-up of our favorite posts and articles from this past week. Complete with news on the Oil and Gas industry outlook, tips for Esri and Tableau techniques, and more, read on as you finish up your week and head off into your weekend.

The Oil and Gas industry is looking ahead to a strong year. Coming off the heels of a long downturn, adjustments made during the past several years to cut costs in conjunction with higher oil prices provide optimism for a better year to come. Find out more here.

We have spent time introducing you to the solutions and services we have to offer. It's been fun; it's been real; and this week, it's been all about Knowledge Management. Take a look at the applications featured for managing spatial data on an enterprise system.

View of software applications included in the Integrated Marco Studio suite, developed for Knowledge Management and managing spatial data in ArcGIS.

When creating a standard map, there are key elements that must be in place - such as a north arrow and the legend. However, these elements do not necessarily make a great map.

Less tangible aspects like story, style, and vision are examples of key components that set a map apart for readers.

This same principle applies to more complex map types, like Esri's Story Maps. It is simple enough to make a basic Story Map, but what about one that will wow - or even enlighten - your audience? Well, thankfully there are a few tips for success here.

Featuring a round-up within our round-up, the Tableau community has put together a comprehensive list of the best Tips and Tricks, Inspiration, and more for its popular data visualization platform.


#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.


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