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Weekliii Round-Up: News on ArcGIS Pro 2.1 Release and Tableau's Hyper to Arrive in 10.5

This week came with many an announcement on the technology front. From new releases of the ArcGIS platform to Tableau making the leap to Hyper-drive, we have a few quick snippets for you to read up on in our latest #WeekliiiRoundUp post. Read on!

Video on the features included in Esri ArcGIS Pro 2.1 software release.

This week came the release of Esri's newest version of ArcGIS Pro. While we look forward to covering more on this release in the coming weeks as well as prepping your data to make the jump to this platform, a quick video is available on what is wrapped up into ArcGIS Pro 2.1.

The point at which oil demand will peak has long been a focus of debate. BP's Chief Economist as well as the director of The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies argue that this focus seems misplaced. The significance of peak oil is that it signals a shift from an age of perceived scarcity to an age of abundance - and with it, a likely shift to a more competitive market environment. To learn more about what this means for the industry and global Oil and Gas markets, read the full article here.

View of the Integrated Marco Mystic web application where a user is searching the spatial data found on an enterprise network.

Searching spatial data doesn't have to be stressful. We all know that feeling when you're hunting down a file - whether it be a layer, ArcGIS Map Document, or feature class - only discover it is not where you thought. Rather than spend the man hours, energy, and bottomless cups of coffee to find it just to lose it once more, why not inventory your enterprise network so that you can go back and search for it later? Yeah, we can't think of an excuse not to either. Learn more about automating this process in our latest newsletter, now online.

It is the season of software releases, and we just can't get enough. Tableau, the company behind the impressive data visualization software of the same name, recently released its latest version - 10.5. This release includes features like the introduction of Hyper, Tableau's new in-memory data engine technology, as well as compatibility with the Linux operating system. Also a bonus for Geographic Information System (GIS) savvy and mapping folks? This version ups the software's game when it comes to including and visualizing spatial data. More information about this launch can be found on the company's website.


#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.


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