Both having your data and being able to use it sometimes seems like a bizarre request. We naturally expect – or at the very least, cross our fingers – that the data we spend the time and resources to acquire may be employed in the ways required. Obstacles standing in the way of this usability may be anything from health, user knowledge, and even format.
For well survey and seismic navigation data, the Integrated Geodetics Toolkit – known on the tough, data-hungry streets as GDX – is the solution to this dilemma.
The Integrated Geodetics Toolkit is an Add-In for ArcGIS that provides users with the ability to quickly read and load well survey and seismic navigation information into common Esri Geographic Information Systems (GIS) formats for visualization and analysis. With over 70 tools, these solutions come in several flavors, including those designed for Well Loading, Seismic Data Conversion, and Seismic Surveys.
Well Loading
Tools available within this category allow well data to be read from raw ASCII, delimited files, and Excel spreadsheets. These tools calculate the coordinates and delta values of a survey given azimuth, inclination and measured depth values, reference points and a coordinate system – converting the original survey files into Feature Classes and geodatabases. This applies to surveys from the top-hole to the bottom-hole or even a sidetrack.
For added processing prowess, this well data may also be compiled into a well survey report with single reports for each individual well and the option to specify a particular well from which to base the report.
Seismic Data Conversion
While the Well Loading tools do comprise a good bit of GDX’s capabilities, the tools designed specifically for Seismic Loading are responsible for the hefty number of tools currently offered in the Add-In. You may thank them later.
The Seismic Loading tools facilitate the loading of SEG P1, SEG Y, SPS, UKOOA (P1/84, P1/90), IOGP P1/11, and columnar (fixed-width or delimited) text formatted surveys into point Feature Classes. These conversions also offer optional user-specified line and/or point decimation and point-to-point azimuth calculations, including Line Azimuth, Azimuth Change, Bend, Interval, and more.
This side of GDX also includes tools for converting from Geodatabase to SEG P1 seismic format. This allows you to create workflows that go full circle, both into and out of Geodatabase and seismic file formats.
Seismic Surveys
Not just looking to get your data conversion on? That’s fine too. Select tools within this solution aide in the standard auditing and QC checks of seismic bins as well as reformatting non-standard seismic files (think UKOOA, SEG P1, SPS, etc.) to standard formats. The toolkit also has the ability to convert XY coordinate data from/to ASCII, Excel or dBase, ArcGIS table or Feature Class, using virtually any file delimiter.
The Integrated Geodetics Toolkit (GDX) for Seismic and Well Data contains 70+ tools that provide industry professionals the ability to quickly read and load well survey and seismic navigation data into common Esri GIS formats for visualization and analysis. More information about this Add-In for ArcGIS can be found here.