Houston, TX (US) - Not familiar with Integrated Repoint and Repath? Well, to put it simply, Integrated Repoint and Repath ArcToolbox tools facilitate batch updates of ArcGIS Map Document (.mxd) and Layer Files (.lyr) links using new path information stored in an Excel spreadsheet or table referred to as the Remap File.

What's New in Version 3.5
Automatically repair referenced field names with remapping tools in Renderers, SQL Statements for Definition Queries, and Label Classes including Label Expressions.
Repair SQL delimiters in Definition Queries and Label Classes with Remapping Tools.
Add Timestamp, Data Type, Server Name, and Service Name to your output logs of the Data Inventory Logger tool.
Pick up a job where it stopped with the Data Inventory Logger with Timeout tool.
Improved Data Inventory logging of special group layers like Annotation and Service Group Layers.
Added Data Type, Last Time Accessed, and Data/Folder Ownership details to the Spatial Data Sniffer logs.
Improved documentation with more remapping examples, detailed explanations of behavior, and example workflows.
Log folders whose contents are not accessible to the current user with the new Restricted Access Logger tool.

The Integrated Repoint and Repath application is now called Integrated Marco Desktop. This solution is part of the Integrated Marco Studio suite of custom Geographic Information System (GIS) and Knowledge Management software for ArcGIS. Find more details on the full suite at www.marcostud.io.