Decision Support System Reduces Environmental Impact, Construction Costs, and Development Time of Facility Siting
Houston, TX (US) - Integrated Informatics Inc., a leading consultancy for Geographic Information System (GIS) implementation and development, today unveiled its Geomancy Decision Engine version 2.7.0. This decision support system—a comprehensive, holistic methodology for the planning and siting of Well Laterals, Well Pads, Pipelines, and Access Roads for unconventional field development—is designed to optimize facility placement and reduce costs while honoring the complexities of environmental impact, regulatory requirements, and scheduling and development time.
This new release of Geomancy Decision Engine, also known Integrated Geomancy, introduces multiple enhancements to the already-robust range of system capabilities, including reporting on well-pad siting impact, transmission pipeline planning and reporting, siting well laterals within large leases, and more.
“What we accomplished in 3 weeks would have previously taken us 3 years. We can now focus our resources on improved understanding of the geology,” said an industry Field Development Supervisor.
Another user, working as a Senior Facilities Engineer, states, “We now have a way to optimize our long term plan! Local last-minute changes to the plan were killing our economics, and now we can properly justify and allocate our spending.”

Additional features added to the Integrated Geomancy application include:
• Placement of Well Laterals and Well Pads with consideration for faults and existing wells.
• Reporting for pipeline profiles for transmission and gathering systems.
• Enhanced reporting for site suitability.
• Improved 3-D visualization of Well Pad Sites and a simplified Pipeline Gathering System.
• Up to a 15x increase in performance of gathering-system routing and road siting.

Integrated Geomancy is an Add-In for ArcGIS that enables Oil and Gas professionals to better plan the placement and routes of assets like Pipeline Gathering Systems, Transmission Pipelines, Well Pad Sites, Access Roads, and more. The toolkit takes a comprehensive approach to the planning process, allowing teams to build a model of the area in which construction will take place - incorporating data like elevation, environmental zones, populated areas, etc. More information and examples of the application in use can be found at